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Unlock  Your 
Parenting Potential

The constant battles are overwhelming and nobody taught us how to navigate them.

Thoughtfully Transform Your Family Dynamic

Parenting toddlers can be a challenging experience, especially when we try to parent the way our parents did. This often leads to more frequent tantrums and power struggles that are harder to resolve. However, with more knowledge, empathy, and clarity, we can make these situations easier. As your parenting coach, I can help you navigate these challenges and create a more harmonious family dynamic.

About Me

My name is Laura Greengarten

I'm a certified parent coach from the Jai Institute, with over 13 years of dedicated experience working closely with children and their caregivers. My knowledge and expertise are grounded in a master's degree in Education and Child Development from the University of Colorado Denver.


I am a child development geek and I am constantly researching the wisdom of the top parenting experts and the latest scientific studies. I love learning as much as I can and sharing what I know. This passion continues to shape my approach to empowering caregivers to cultivate nurturing peaceful relationships with their children and within themselves. 

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What's a Discovery Call?

Let’s Work Together

Woman on Phone

When you book a discovery call with me, we’ll chat about your family and discuss what challenges you are currently facing so that I can determine how I can help and support you.

Remote Working

I'll explain what our coaching sessions could look like and answer any questions you have. 

Mother and Child

If we feel we are a good fit to work together you can book your first session during our call. If not I will point you to resources that can hopefully help. There is no pressure in this call just an opportunity to connect and see if it is a good fit. 

"I'm not just learning to be a better mom, I'm also learning to be a better me!"

-Broomfield Mama of 2

Family Portrait

"I feel like things are already better- I'm so glad I'm doing this, I wish I had done this years ago."

- Broomfield Mom
(During our 3rd week of coaching)

"Now when I hear my child slam the door I recognize I am not in danger, I'm just triggered by my childhood memories. I recognize that I am safe"

- Boulder Mama of 2

Let's Talk!

Set up a time for us to meet over the phone and we'll take the first step from confusion and frustration toward harmony, trust, and healing.

Let's start planning the kind of parent you want to be!

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